Our protagonist is coming across as an actress filling the role of a hero and getting what she really signed on for.
The shading here isn’t bad – it works – but the inking has come a long way. The latest shading really stands out in contrast. The rougher shading here, along with the dark colors, give this a dirty, sordid feel to it. I don’t think they’ll want to get dressed until after they’ve bathed off the sweat and dirt.
Thanks. I think when I did this page, I must have dicked around for almost two weeks on it. WAAAAYYY longer than anyone should spend on a single page. But, that was a different headspace in my “career”. As for the odd double-ender, that was a gag by Idol-Monkey/Warchief, the guy who owns Willow as an OC. I saw it on a doodle he did with another artist, and so I put it in there as a callback to his work. XD
Huh. That 2P tool doesn’t look too sturdy.
Our protagonist is coming across as an actress filling the role of a hero and getting what she really signed on for.
The shading here isn’t bad – it works – but the inking has come a long way. The latest shading really stands out in contrast. The rougher shading here, along with the dark colors, give this a dirty, sordid feel to it. I don’t think they’ll want to get dressed until after they’ve bathed off the sweat and dirt.
Thanks. I think when I did this page, I must have dicked around for almost two weeks on it. WAAAAYYY longer than anyone should spend on a single page. But, that was a different headspace in my “career”. As for the odd double-ender, that was a gag by Idol-Monkey/Warchief, the guy who owns Willow as an OC. I saw it on a doodle he did with another artist, and so I put it in there as a callback to his work. XD